
I am very happy to have found a few sponsors and new sponsors are always welcome!

My present sponsors:

Simon’s Bow Company

My competition bow is a Simon’s Bow Company Raptor. It’s a great bow, very fast and light weight. Simon’s Bow Company


I have been closely working together with Simon since 2018 already. And Simon just keeps on amazing me with the always improving quality of the bows he produces.

For me the raptor hold a combination of quality’s that are essential and i personally haven’t found this combination in any other bow.

Stability for me stability is one of the most important quality’s in a bow for horseback archery and the raptor is one of the most stable bows out there especially the new RX version .

Speed next to stability speeds is also one of the most important quality’s it insures less problems with sideways wind blowing the arrows of target and allows for a much more consistent aiming point on longer distances due to the arrow losing speed much slower and therefore having a straighter line towards the target.

Smooth draw curve, a smooth draw curve results in a bow that is much easier to draw to your full draw as many horseback archers know short drawing is one of the most common mistakes in horse archery(in the archery part at least…) and having a bow with a smooth draw curve will make it much easier to draw to your desired draw length especially at the speed we shoot at.

a good grip, might seem like a minor detail but i have shot many bows which had such bad grips that the bow went from a not bad to a completely shit based purely on the grip. with out a good grip its in my opinion next to impossible to have a consistent shot placement.

and many more details that makes these bows into working pieces of art but i just wanted to write a little bit on my website about why i shoot with raptors not a whole book about it(maybe a good idea for the future though..)

CloetE Saddles

As a horseback archer I am used to ride a lot of different horses from different owners. This means I do not only have to adapt myself to a horse at competition and training but also to a different saddle. This way I have learned a lot of what I really like about a horseback archery saddle. And I am happy to let you know that I found a saddles that fits my wishes. The good thing is that you can make it to fit most horsebacks easily. https://cloetesaddles.com/

For the latest news about this saddle, please check: https://siemhorsebackarchery.com/2021/02/09/my-own-cloete-mounted-archery-saddle/

Living Arrow Horseback Archery

Mihai gave me a new flying back quiver to start practicing with it this winter. Furthermore he helps me a lot with training techniques, the inner world of a horseback archer and a lot more. You can find his bows, quivers, arrows and other material here: https://coz.fi/en/product-category/archery/

Training with the Flying Quiver

 Némethy Horseback ARchery Academy

I am very grateful for all the help I have always received from Christoph Némethy and others at his horseback archery academy. His academy in Pomaz feels like home to me and I am always very happy to see Christoph again at training and competition throughout Europe. We are official resellers of his products so if you need anything from the store in Hungary, please let me know! http://www.nemethy.info/academy.html

Yvonne van Gennip Talent Fonds

In 2020 and 2021 I received funding from the Yvonne van Gennip Talent fonds. It is very welcome! https://yvgtf.nl/. You can find my sponsorpage with them at https://sport.talentboek.nl/talenten-teams/overige-sporten/siem-budding-naar-wk-boogschieten-te-paard.html

Last but not least

And of course all the others that helped me along the way to come this far. I could not have done it without you. I am grateful that you all taught me yours skills, received me at trainings and competitions, helped me with words, private funding, let me ride your great and well trained horses. Thank you so much

With Sunny in Gauchoux, training with Mihai

Siem Budding

Contact info


+31 6 23902951

Gersteland 9, 3833cs Leusden